RIS & Associates is a full service Indonesian Law Firm and we provide legal services to Individuals and Companies. We provide legal services to individuals as follows but not limited to:
- Criminal Law
- Private Law
- Prepaid Legal Service (Consultation, Contract Drafting, etc)
- Agrarian Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation, Negotiation, Conciliation)
We Provide legal services to companies as follow but not limited to:
- Alternative Dispute Resolution & Litigation
- Civil And Commercial Litigation
- General Corporate Law
- Business Law
- Intelectual Property Rights
- Banking And Finance
- Bankruptcy, Insolvency And Restructuring
- Consumer Protection Law
- Anti Trust Law
- Insurance Law
- Foreign And Domestic Investment Law
- Merger And Acquisition
- Oil And Gas Law
- International Trade Law
- Future Exchange
- Land Acquisition And Real Estate
- Environment And Forestry Law
- Employment Law
- Construction Law
- Property Law
- Agrarian Law